Nagasaki plans workforce and public safety for anticipated casino resort
Nagasaki says it is working on development of a workforce for its hoped-for casino resort. On July 31, there will be an online meeting of the Kyushu-Nagasaki International Tourism Human Resource Development Consortium.

People from the tourism, hospitality, and education sectors are expected to take part in the event. There will be guest speakers with respective working experience in the international hospitality, tourism, and integrated resort industries, according to information from Nagasaki prefecture.
Nagasaki is part of the wider Kyushu region, which also hopes to benefit from the anticipated economic growth linked to an IR. Up to three casino resorts will be permitted in the current phase of development.
Local governments must find a private-sector partner, and then apply to the national government for the right to host an IR.
In June, Nagasaki said that the three private-sector entities that had passed a first round of evaluation as possible partners for the prefecture’s tilt at hosting a casino resort, were to go through a second round of screening.
In other developments, the Kyushu IR Council held its first business seminar on June 4. Speakers included people with business experience in the industry. According to the prefecture, the seminar provided details on the economic benefits and business opportunities that an IR could bring.
In further work, the preparatory committee of the Kyushu-Nagasaki IR Safety and Security Network Council held its first official meeting on June 30. It discussed anti-addiction measures in relation to casino gambling, as well as general public safety.
Editing by Rachel Hu