Lei Wai Nong appointed to oversee Macau casino industry under new-look Ho Iat Seng government

Macau’s incoming Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, has announced the principal officials of his government set to take office once sworn in as the SAR’s fifth-term government on 20 December 2019.
The 10 officials include Lei Wai Nong as Secretary for Economy and Finance, replacing Lionel Leong as the man in charge of overseeing Macau’s casino industry.
Currently Vice Chairman of the administration committee of the Municipal Affairs Bureau, among Lei’s most important tasks once taking office will be finalization and implementation of re-tendering for Macau’s gaming concessionaires, whose licenses all expire in 2022. Incoming Chief Executive Ho recently told reporters that a draft had already been developed which would be refined and amended once the new administration takes over in December.
At a press conference on Monday announcing Ho’s new team, Lei stated that his key goals as Secretary for Economy and Finance would be “promoting the sustainable development of the city’s economy, advancing economic diversification, and enhancing Macau’s overall competitiveness by making better use of the city’s strategic position as a ‘Centre and Platform’ and by strengthening Macau’s roles in the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative.”
The other nine principal officials will be Mr Cheong Weng Chon as Secretary for Administration and Justice; Mr Wong Sio Chak as Secretary for Security; Ms Ao Ieong Iu as Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture; Mr Raimundo do Rosário as Secretary for Transport and Public Works; Mr Chan Tsz King as Commissioner Against Corruption; Mr Ho Veng On as Commissioner of Audit; Mr Leong Man Cheong as Commissioner General of the Unitary Police Service; Mr Vong Man Chong as Director-General of the Macao Customs Service; and Mr Ip Son Sang as Public Prosecutor-General.